1. New COVID LOGIN at club and pro shop.

You should have received an email from Breakers explaining the need to have the Service NSW app on your phone in order to enter the club and play golf from January 1st. You must log on using the QR code provided. This is a government requirement so that Covid tracing is easier. You can download the app for free from the App Store or Google Play. 

You can access the app via the Breakers app you prefer. 

For those of you who don't have a smartphone, you will need to ask a friend to include you in their log in. You must log in electronically now. Unfortunately, there can be no exceptions to this at this stage if you wish to play golf. The club is working hard to try to streamline entry into the club as much as possible. Please note, these procedures are subject to change as government decisions change.

Please see the club and pro shop staff for assistance if necessary.

When the Summer Comp resumes next Thursday, we will have a committee member or two to assist you.

As usual, if you know of anyone who is likely to need help with this, please contact them yourself or let the committee know of any problems.

2.  Summer Comp .... singles only every week.

As usual, the Summer Comp, which continues every Thursday till 4th February inclusive, is either 9 or 18 holes Individual Stableford every week. Remember that you can decide on the day whether you wish to play 9 or 18 holes. If you select 18 you will be handicapped.

Please note that both the Men's and Women's committees are going to use the Summer Comp to practise using a few aspects of the Micropower program. It might appear that there are 2 Ball or 4 Ball team events some weeks but this is only in the background and there will be no prizes given. These team events will also appear on your card but the singles is the only competition each week. You will also see Team results but, again, prizes will not be given. 

Thank you for your understanding of the above two issues. 

Happy New Year and good golfing to you all in 2021.

Jenny and Colleen

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