Stableford Thursday 15th April

 Well, what a glorious day for golf - not too hot, not too cold, the sun was shining and the birds were singing.

Some ladies played on a different course to others, but we all had a great day!

Congratulations to the winners.

Don't forget if you haven't already seen Michelle that the entries are open for our 4Somes Championships which will be held on 6th May. Cost is $4 each and the more the merrier!!

Also entries are open for the Debbie Gaunt Charity Day on Friday 14th May. This is a 4 person Ambrose (drop out format) and the cost is $60 per player, which includes lunch. There are two shotgun sessions, the first at 7:00 am with lunch and presentation after and the second at 12:30 pm with lunch at 11:30 am.

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