Important Information for All Members

Afternoon ladies please see the letter attached from Ken Pearson, hopefully this answers all your questions in regards to golf as well as membership renewal.
As it reads golf comp will still go on as normal. Please don't forget your face mask for the Pro Shop, check in with the QR code keep your social distancing and booking in will be online ONLY at 4pm.

To add, the Toukley visit on the 6th July has been postponed till September. Whenever we receive updates they will be forwarded to you ASAP.

To all,

Well, we nearly lasted 12 months but we are once again back in lockdown.

What does this mean for you, the members of the club?

Your membership renewals have been extended for 1 month from the date we re-open. All your points & cash to card will remain on your card for that period and we will look forward to seeing you re-join when we re-open our doors for business. Although we are closed you can still renew online by clicking the link at the bottom of this email and your card will be ready for collection once we re-open.

The draw for the Kincumber Mitre 10 renewal promotion will be drawn one month after re-opening, with a date to be determined once we re-open.

At this stage, our golf course is still open and operating as normal, with restrictions on the number of people allowed in the Pro Shop and you must wear a mask whilst inside the Pro Shop.

This Sunday’s shotgun start has been adjusted due to the recommendation from Golf NSW that we should not conduct a shotgun start and your Golf Committee has rescheduled your starting time. Please check the golf portal for your new time slot. All bookings will be done online until further notice, with the Men’s timeslots opening at 5pm Fridays and the Ladies at 4pm on Thursdays.

The Bowling Greens are currently closed. Your Bowling Committee will review this once they release further clarification from Bowls NSW as to when the greens will re-open. 

The Solar Carpark has also been held up with these restrictions and once we have more information regarding an installation date, we will be sure to inform you.

The Amalgamation vote is still set for the 1st August 2021 at 2pm with information sessions and Mounties events to be re-organised once we have a clear picture of what we can and cannot do when we re-open. Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting will be sent out to members later this week.

We are still planning on holding our Christmas in July Murder Mystery show, to be held on the 24th July 2021 so if you have purchased tickets please hold on to them. We are also looking into rescheduling the Proust’s Last Hurrah shows for the Mark Hughes Foundation once we re-open.

I trust everyone is safe and well and ask that you support each other through this closure and we look forward to seeing you back at Breakers in July.

Ken Pearson                                                    Lance Harrigan
CEO                                                                 President

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