As you are undoubtedly aware, our membership fees are due by the end of June.

You can use any money you put on your Pearl card to pay some of this,  if you want to.  To do so, you have to check how much money you have on the card first by using the pink card reader near the entry to the Pokies. You will need to know your four digit pin to do so. You need to tell whoever is on the front desk this amount before you pay and again, you need to enter your four digit pin to pay. You can then pay the rest by cash or card.

However, you cannot use points that are on your membership card to pay your fees.  

One option is to transfer your points to your Pearl card, if you set one up earlier. In order to do so, you need to remember your four digit pin.

On the other hand,  you can  use your points to pay for things in the pro shop, or to buy drinks or food in the club.

While mentioning renewal of membership, don't forget to tell the club office if you have had any changes of personal details such as address, phone number or email address. NOTE also that our golf system is not linked to the club's computer so, you also need to let our committee know of any changes.

If you need help with any of this, please feel free to ask for help next Thursday.

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