Covid Update 20/07/21

Due to the following we have chosen to suspend our continuous comp, eclectic and point score.

Please find attached the latest Covid updates in regards to our golf course.

Golf has been allowed to continue in groups of two only and the pro shop cannot operate as a retail store and will only collect your fees and offer takeaway drinks and food.
To assist with reducing the spread of COVID-19 Corona Virus, we recommend the following procedures are to be followed:

  2. All pins on greens are to be left in and remove ball with hand using your gloved hand.
  3. Removal of sunscreen.
  4. No hand shaking at completion of game.
  5. All rakes will be removed from bunkers, golfers are asked to smooth the bunkers as best as possible with their feet and golf club.( a free drop in the bunker is allowed)
  6. Do not mark fellow golfers playing card, only mark your own.
  7. All water bubblers on the course will be turned off and the Pro Shop has bottled water available for sale.
  8. Please do not congregate in groups in the waiting area and please remain 1.5m apart and wear masks until your tee time.
  9. Click here for NSW Government Regulations.               

    Keep the Game Moving

It is imperative that we keep the game moving otherwise we will lose vital tee times.

Unfortunately with the slowness of any groups this is impacting on all groups following.

Please consider your fellow golfers by following these points.

  • Please make sure you are on the tee ready to hit off on time
  • Don't wait for the green to clear if there is no way you can reach it
  • Play ready golf and hit your shot as soon as its safe
  • Maximum 3 minutes to look for lost balls (hit a provisional rather than have to go back)
  • Consider calling up on Par 3's
  • Make sure you keep up with the group in front
  • mark your card at the Tee not at the green (tee off before filling in card)

Thank you all for your understanding

Your  Match Committee.

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