Covid Update

Notice to Members

We as golfers are very lucky that we can continue to play golf in these difficult times.


The course is currently open for competition and social rounds, you can book either through the app or by phone to the pro shop.


It is important to understand that after today’s announcement from the NSW Government Nicky can no longer operate as a retail business and as such can only sell take away (food, pies, chocolates, drinks etc) no balls, tees clothing or golf equipment.


You are not able to collect balls however if you have balls drop off during these times it will be adjusted after we get back to normal.


When you arrive at the course Nicky will be there to collect the green fees and hand out your cards.


Please remember to only arrive 15 minutes before you hit off and don’t stand around talking in groups prior to teeing off or in the carpark.


When you have completed your round please check and sign your cards, hand your cards into the pro shop where Nicky will scan them for you.


Please don’t hang around the pro shop as there will be other players arriving and we need to maintain our social distancing.


“Think about what you bring to the course and how about we support Nicky in these troubled times”

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