Golf updates

Please read the following email below from Ken Pearson in regards to golf on Saturday's. 

Thursday's will remain 18 holes. We have recognised a few ladies do miss out on a tee time. We have decided if anyone goes on the waiting list through the portal and ends up not getting a game they will get automatic entry for the following week. Please don't contact Nicky to put you on the waitlist this MUST be done through your portal. If anyone doesn't know how to go on the wait list please contact Michelle Hughes 0400378855.

Club Championships are on hold for the time being and once the next announcement from the government is made we will look at new dates.

Dear Golfers,

Your golfing committee had a meeting with myself and Henderson Golf to discuss the concern of members not being able to play a round of golf in competitions due to the COVID restrictions.

The current restrictions only allow two players per group, resulting in the number of players being a maximum of 78 players per competition day. This has seen a large number of golf members missing out on competition rounds.

The committee has now agreed to introduce 9-hole competitions on Tuesday, Saturday and Sundays, starting from the 7th August, with bookings opening at 5pm this Friday the 30th July 2021.  This will now allow 124 players for competition play.

The fee for the competition will be $16, to cover green fees and prizes. Attached to this email is a sample of the booking sheet that will be used.

We will conduct this format for 3 weeks, then re-assess pending on what is required under the COVID restrictions and the success of the 9-hole competitions. Your current handicap will be used during this period and will not be adjusted.

I would like to thank the golf committee for the initiative to introduce this format, as it allows more of our members to enjoy the facilities.

I am aware that this will not please all members but just think of what happens in Victoria when they have a lockdown – NO GOLF -  so we feel by having a 9-hole competition and allowing more members to enjoy the fresh air and facilities is a far better result.

Please enjoy your rounds of golf whilst you can and please follow the correct procedures.

  1. QR sign in when entering the Pro-Shop
  2. Wear masks when inside the Pro-Shop
  3. Only 4 people are allowed inside the Pro-Shop at any one time
  4. Do not congregate whilst waiting for tee time and remain 1.5m apart
  5. No rakes in bunkers
  6. Leave flag sticks in the hole
  7. Ensure you keep up with the group in front of you
  8. Follow instructions from staff, Pro-shop and committee members

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you at the club soon.

Ken Pearson                                                                        

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