Tee Bookings and more information

Hi ladies, next weeks charity day has been postponed for now. Next Thursday will be a Stableford event. (please see tee booking times below) To accomodate more ladies Nicky has kindly made the early tee times available for our comp days.

A reminder the Pro shop is a retail store and as law you must use the QR code. If your unable to do this with your phone please ask a friend on the day to log you in on there app or ask Nicky or AJ to use the concierge page they have.

Reminder for the 10km radius please don't be offended if you are turned away. The map can be viewed on the Breakers website or at the door of the pro shop.

Tee bookings: until further notice are 2 players per tee.

For Thursday 22nd July: Thursday 15th 5pm
From then on bookings will be weekly on the Thursday's at 5pm. 

For Saturday 17th July: Monday 12th 5pm
For Saturday 24th July: Friday 16th 5pm
From then on bookings will be weekly on the Friday's at 5pm.

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