Match Committee Report from Our Zoom Meeting

 Hi to all our lady members. Your match committee had a zoom meeting yesterday 3rd August at 5pm to discuss a number of things. Firstly we would all like to thank you for the support and understanding with all the changes and introduction of new rules to the way we conduct our competitions during this lockdown. We are happy with the way it is running and glad a high percentage of members are getting a game each week. Last week we only had 3 left on the waiting list who didn't get a game. As mentioned in the last blog these ladies were given automatic entry for this week. So again a reminder if you miss out on booking a time slot please put your name on the wait list.

Ladies Championships have been moved to September 30th and the 7th and 14th October. We will have an entry sheet in the Pro Shop from the 2nd September. This is, of course, pending no further changes to lockdown.

Stableford Shootout: we have made the decision to cancel this event for the year which was due to be played on the 9th September. Due to the uncertainty as to if we can have a shot gun start and if we can have an audience we felt this was the best decision.

District Charity Day: This event on the 16th August at Magenta has been cancelled. The Stableford Brooch play off which was also on this day has been moved to Oct 25th at Kooindah. Our 3 representatives Kerrie M, Colleen and Linda Ball please let me know if you're available for this new date.

Gwen Thompson Shield: This event has been cancelled. 

Mystery Partner: We are adding a mystery partner draw to each week with the top 4 winners winning a ball. Jenny will be doing this manually from home and will post the winners on the blog after the competition for the day. We have done this to replace our NTP ball prizes. So keep an eye out for your results and if you are in the winning few teams you'll see who your partner is.

Booking In: It has been brought to our attention that some ladies don't know how to book themselves  and a partner in on the portal. We do understand some members believe we should only be allowed to book one person in during this time however after discussing this matter we believe during this time it is a way to catch up with a friend and be able to play with who you like. Please see below how you book 2 spots on the portal for you and your partner.

Step 1: Select the Book Group tab shown by the arrow.

Step 2: You will see your name already booked for the first slot, then type your partner in on the next line shown by the arrow and finally press the Update booking tab shown by the third arrow. Your booking is then complete.

A Reminder: Please check whether it is preferred lies through the general area or if fairways only before teeing off.

Membership Renewal: You can now pay your membership if you haven't done so yet at the Pro Shop and you are able to use you Pearl rewards card for payment if you have money on it. You will need your membership card, pearl card and PIN number with the balance of the amount on your Pearl Card.

Pro Shop: Breakers Pro Shop is now set up for EMAIL & COLLECT! Simply email before 5pm for collection the following day!
Email Subject - COLLECT ORDER FOR "your name"
The list what you would like. The Pro Shop will then respond with, received, packed, price & ready for collection. Each order will be packaged separately, named with price before collection and needs to be paid with by EFTPOS.

Regards from your Match Committee,

Michelle Hughes, Bronwyn Dwyer, Jenny Chapman, Jeanice Gibson, Gill Wilson and Colleen Henry.

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