Results Thursday 26th August

 Yet another sunny day for our golfing! Yes, the course was a bit wet in places, but we did need the rain. Hopefully the run will be back next week.

Slow play is once again becoming an issue. If you keep up with the group in front, not stay ahead of the group behind, this will make a huge difference. 

If you think you may have lost your ball, then hit a provisional before looking for it. This could save walking back to hit another from the first spot after the 3 minutes you're allowed to look for that first ball.

Anyone who has golf balls to collect can do so now at the Pro Shop. Remember, they automatically drop off after 90 days. If you have had any drop off during lock down Nicky has a list and you can collect them as well. Don't forget that Click and Collect is also available for all your other golfing needs. Just send an email to at least before close of business Wednesday with your order (preferably a little earlier) and it will be ready for you to collect on Thursday before you tee off.

Here are today's results. Congratulations to all the winners.

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