Results Thursday 5th August

 Afternoon everyone,

Firstly, in the mix of all the birthdays I mentioned last week there was a very special one.

Dee Dimond turned 80!! We'll celebrate this when we all get together again. But perhaps you might wish Dee Happy Birthday next time you see her on the course.

 It's so wonderful that we have so many ladies who are still playing golf with us well into their 80's.

Now onto all the results.

There were some spectacular scores again today!! Well done to those ladies who had great games today. Fancy being beaten when you had 40 points. Never mind Debbie, it was on a countback.

The 11:30 group did have a slight glitch in the proceedings as the green keepers didn't realise that we were still playing and removed the tee markers and put sprinklers on after we'd finished 9 holes. They were eventually reinstated and the sprinklers turned off, but in the great scheme of things it really didn't make any difference. It just added something else to talk about.

Unfortunately, those gremlins are back and the balls did not post again today. We'll be working on this and have it rectified ASAP.

In the meantime, stay safe everyone.

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