As you will have read on the blog recently, I am now running a secret partner comp each week. The 4 pairs (8 ladies) with the best aggregate scores will each receive a ball which will be posted to their accounts.

NOTE that the balls could not be posted in bulk from the comp today but we have managed to post those ones individually as well so you should see them on the portal as well, if you won a ball today.

I can assure you that the draw was done totally randomly out of a hat, literally! What chance that one random pair actually played together! More amazingly, what chance that it was your Captain and your Vice Captain!!! Boy that was going to look suspicious I thought, until the scores came in!!!

Congratulations to the following winning secret pairs.

1st  Viv Ball and Cheryl Baker  74

2nd  Rhonda Boothman and Gai Catanzariti  73

Equal third   Jackie Ritchie and Karen Gallaher  68        Veneice Higgin  and Di Rudd 68

Hope you enjoyed this bit of fun, to take the place of balls for Nearest the Pins in the current COVID climate!

Good golfing,



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