We have had some questions relating to booking times for next Thursday, 30th September, so we will attempt to clarify this further.

1. Please note that bookings will open as usual at 5pm this Thursday for next week for all those who have shown evidence of double vaccination. You will be able to play in groups of four from 7am to 8.24am. This may not allow all players to get a spot, as it is limited to 52 ladies. If you miss out here, please add your name to the waitlist. Hopefully further spots may become available as this is a work in progress.

2. For those who are unvaccinated, you still have the option to book in from 5pm but you will need to ring the pro shop to do so, or Michelle on 04003778855. There will be 8 tee spots for you from 8.35am to 8.50am and you will play in groups of two. At this point, vaccinated players cannot book into these timeslots.

3.  NOTE TO ALL.... All players, both vaccinated playing in groups of 4, and unvaccinated playing in groups of 2, will be playing in the same 18 hole competition. 

4. Please be patient, considerate of others and appreciate their personal decisions. We are still working on this temporary arrangement, pending updates from the government.

5. You can all help by ensuring that we have sighted your double vaccination certificate, if available. Please bring evidence of this tomorrow to confirm your status.

6. These plans have been set up in conjunction with the main club and the pro shop. If you would like further clarification, or have any queries, Ken Pearson will be in the pro shop in the morning to assist you.

Thanking you for your cooperation and understanding.

Your Committee

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