Results 16th September


Hi everyone,

Well it was one of those days when you didn’t know if it was really going to rain or just annoy you occasionally. Thankfully it was the latter and everyone managed to get their round in without getting drenched. The scores today indicate that the rain on Tuesday perhaps took the sting out of the fairways and greens.

Thanks to everyone today who made a superhuman effort to speed up the pace of play. There were a few little hiccoughs, including Rhonda’s buggy going into the creek, but everyone did really well in keeping up.

Our birthday girls this week are Chris Whalan on Friday 10th and Brenda Punter on Saturday 11th. Hope you both had fabulous days!

It was wonderful to see all our ladies today decked out in periwinkle along with the ribbons prepared by Michelle lovingly pinned to caps and shirts. Everyone really made an effort to honour Charles. 

The donations to North Gosford Oncology Unit in memory of Charles have been coming in. Everyone has been exceptionally generous and so far $496.50 has been raised. If you would like to donate Deanne will accept your bank transfer, or you can simply drop into the Pro Shop where there is a donation jar.

It’s been one of those weeks when I have reflected on what it is that makes Breakers Ladies Golf Club special. For me, coming to golf later in life (60), it has opened up a whole new world of friendships that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make without playing here. This is what I miss more than actually playing. In these “new normal times” it is good to have a place where I feel safe and can also enjoy the social contact, even for a short time.

Please make a comment about what it is that makes Breakers Ladies Golf Club special to you.

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