Results Thursday 23rd September

 Another glorious day in paradise on the golf course. Fantastic scores today from Veneice and Vicki!!

I was having a look today at the time gaps between groups finishing their 18 holes. Since the groups started 5 minutes apart, you would expect them to finish around the same time apart and nearly all did. Some were 4, others 6 or 7, but the stand out was a 12 minute time gap. This means that the pair had really lost more than two timeslots, which is possible if one of them got into trouble. But it really isn't fair to the groups following. Please try to keep up with the group in front and if you can't, allow the following group to play through.

As you are aware next week, 30th, is the first week back playing in fours for those who are fully vaccinated. The number of timeslots available will be adjusted according to need in the following weeks. Please be patient as it is new to us and Nicky too! The same system will apply, if you don't get a game and are on the waitlist you will get priority the following week.

Our birthday girls this week are Barbara Holt on Monday 20th, Lynne Cattaway on Tuesday 21st and Peggy Searle today. we hope you all have fabulous days!!

We were saddened this week to learn of the passing of Anne Roche. She was a member here at Breakers and also a member at Shelly. Many of our ladies will remember her. Our thoughts are with her family and a card has been sent from the Breakers Ladies.

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