Update from the Match Committee

 Your match committee met yesterday morning to discuss a few things. We have decided to stop the continuous comp and award our winners with the events already played. We went over our reports and decided we have enough games and events played to award our winners. This decision was made on the ever changing playing conditions and the number of ladies who are able to get a game. Yes we have managed to make adjustments to the tee booking sheet to allow the 9 ladies who were on the waitlist this week to be added. However there are still a number of our lady members who are still unable to play each week.

The calendar we updated last week will remain the same. The CCWGA has announced that the Champions day on the 25th Oct and the 2 day Tournament on the 8th and 9th Nov have both been cancelled.

When booking in on the portal, if you need to add your name to the waitlist please adjust the times so it will allow you to be added. If you can play in the vaccinated time slots you must adjust the times to  7:00am -8:40am and to use the unvaccinated time slots please use 8:45-8:50am for Thursdays. 

A reminder this week we are playing Par, with the Mystery Team of 2, as we have done recently, and then the following week 7th Nov it is Stableford in conjunction with MYSTERY draw TEAM OF 4 (meaning you will not know who your team of 4 is until after the comp is finished.)

Thank you all for your support,

Your Match Committee.

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