A Message from your Match Committee


A Message from your Match Committee

In light of recent comments and queries from individuals we feel, as a Match Committee, an obligation to answer them in the spirit of cooperation between the Breakers Ladies and Men’s Committees.

1                    This is the most successful men’s championship as far as entries go in recent years, requiring them to take the full day to play on both Saturday and Sunday over the two weekends. We fully support the men in making this decision. They have 416 players with handicaps compared to the ladies’ 118. The championships cannot be held on a Tuesday as this would eliminate the possibility of working members playing.

2                    A sacrifice of two weeks for the ladies is inconsequential. Bear in mind the Men have not held an 18-hole competition since 8th August, whereas the Ladies have held 18-hole competitions throughout this time.

3                    We hope you will appreciate how difficult it has been to address and negotiate issues in these Covid-19 times, as well as supporting the Pro Shop by volunteering during recent weeks. As a 9-hole course we cannot do what other clubs do. It has been only through the cooperation and support of Ken, Nicky, the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees that we have been able to successfully continue to play golf.

4                    As your elected committee we are open to, and would like to hear, your ideas. If you have any suggestions, complaints or issues that are worrying you, please address these to the Committee in general by leaving a letter or message in the Pro Shop. Please do not message individual members of the committee. Every one of us has been affected by our situation in different ways and it has been distressing to view negative comments on our Face book page. It would be unwanted censorship if we had to stop everyone’s comments, the majority of which are positive and encouraging, because of a few.

5                    We appreciate that there have sometimes been difficulties accessing the Portal. However, everyone has the same opportunity to book a timeslot. The tradition at Breakers used to be that everyone was happy to play with any other player in the club. Let’s keep that tradition going.

6                    Due to Covid the Health Order situation is changing daily, and we are doing our best to keep up with the changes.

In conclusion, let’s care for each other. Be patient, understanding and wish the Men well in their championships, as they are doing the same for us in two weeks.

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