Results Thursday 7th October

 A bit chilly this morning for the early tee times, but all in all a really good temperature to play golf all day. Nowhere near as hot as it was predicted to be.

Congratulations to Merilyn Le Quesne with a fantastic 43 points! (3.5 off her handicap.)

The draw for Week 1 of the Championships is available on the Portal at 5 pm today. Please check your tee time. Late arrival cannot be accommodated.

If you wish to play in the Day Event, you will need to call the Pro Shop to book in as the tee booking is "Read Only" on the Portal.

Just a reminder that any ball you see on the course should not be picked up as it may be in play in the competition, even if no-one appears to be close to it. 

Breaking News!

In breaking news we are able to have a presentation again next week. So after your first round of the Championships come on in and join us for a coffee (or something bubbly) and a get together. It would be fantastic to greet our new members then.

Our birthday girls this week are Gerda Mather and Sally Hopkins on Friday 1st and Diane Connolly today.

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