A memorial plaque was unveiled yesterday Sunday 14th in memory of Charles "Chas". A cheque was also handed over to Gosford oncology unit to pay for a an oncology chair.
Well it was a Christmas Fun Day today!! We had everyone decked out in their finest Christmas gear. The weather wasn't too bad - it was hard to tell if we were wet from the rain, or wet from the humidity. The winners today were: Aiki, Sandra, Viv and Peggy Second were: Pauline, Jan C, Sue Carter and Elaine Third were : Chris B, Moya, Monica and Carol The Christmas Raffle today was a big success. Thanks to Linda and her helpers for organising this. Colleen assisted by Bronwyn (in her game show hostess role) ran the Secret Santa. This, as always, was a lot of fun. That's a wrap for another year. See you all at the AGM next week - 10:30 am start.
Pink Day 2024 has been an enormous success!! The room was a sea of pink shirts and pink balloons, as was the course. Congratulations to Nicky, A. J., and Michelle for all their hard work in putting this day on for us to enjoy. The prizes were absolutely amazing. The mini quiches and coffee after 9 were very much appreciated (and we think that should be a permanent feature!) The day was won with a fantasitc 94 points (on a countback) by Michelle, Monica, Deanne and Colleen. The raffle raised a massive $635 which will go to the McGrath Foundation.Thanks to everyone for their generosity. Jan Gee was the lucky winner.
Hi Ladies and welcome to 2025. Thursday 30th is our last summer comp game. Hopefully we are dry tomorrow. A reminder that 6th February is our opening day. It is a shot gun start 7.30 for 8 It is a team of 4 two scores to count so get your team organised ready to enter tomorrow. Teams with an over 80 member can see Aiki and she will put you on the First hole! The app can be used but remember for speed of play only enter the score if your result is being used. There will be team NTPs on all holes ( first shot only)and a wiggly line The costs for the continuous comp will remain the same as last year: $25 for the main continuous comp ( for presentation day) $10 if you wish to be part of the Stableford shootout $5 if you wish to be part of the GolfNSW medal competition. Total $40 . Linda will advise you if you wish to make a direct deposit otherwise she will collect cash on the 6th. Fixtures books will be distributed on the 6th . A short Summer comp will b...