The Stroke and Distance penalty basically means that you replay your last shot from the same place for a penalty of one, so it is another STROKE and you lose the DISTANCE you got, by having to go back to where you were.
We MUST use this rule on two specific occasions, namely when your ball goes out of bounds and when you lose your ball in the general area. In both of these cases, you have no other option. You must replay your shot from the same place you hit the last one.
There are times when you can choose to take a stroke and distance penalty.
For example, if you hit into the creek off our 4th tee, one of your options is to replay your tee shot, using the stroke and distance penalty. Another time, as I mentioned last week, if your ball was to hit the sand bucket on the 9th tee and go backwards into the water, then stroke and distance, by replaying your tee shot, is definitely the best way to go.
HOWEVER, IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS RULE (RULE 18.1) CAN BE USED AT ANY TIME , meaning that you can declare your ball unplayable anywhere on the course and replay your last shot for a stroke and distance penalty of one.
A classic example I have seen is on our 2nd hole. Let's say the flag is just over the bunker and you find yourself on the back of the green or off the back. If you were to hit your ball too hard, it could go past the flag and into the bunker. You can, of course, go into the bunker and carry on. BUT, lets say you have a lousy lie and you don't like your chances of getting out. You can choose to replay the shot from the back of the green for a penalty of one, hopefully hitting it softer and then you don't have to play out of the bunker.
Another thought is if you are playing the 7th hole and somehow you hit deep into the trees on the left and end up almost on the 5th. If you have no easy shot back to the 7th, you can go back to where you were, hope to hit a better shot down the fairway, and take the stroke and distance penalty of one. (I should have done that myself last week!)
How about if you were in the middle of the fairway in front of the 3rd green and you did something silly and ended up in a bunker on either side of the green, never a nice place to be. Instead of playing the bunker shot, you could hit another shot from where you were for a stroke and distance penalty of one, and take care to put it on the green this time.
In any case, it's good to keep this rule in mind as it can get you out of big trouble, particularly if you are playing stroke.
Thanks to all those who have already requested a rule to be explained. I will get to them asap.
Regards Jenny