Kooindah Open Day

 A lovely day of golf at Kooindah Waters today for their charity day. 93 ladies from across the Coast and further afield ventured out in the almost pre-dawn light to put their golfing skills to the test. 

Breakers was represented by two groups.

The star of the day was Gill Wilson winning the longest drive on the 10th for Division 2.

A star of a different kind was Trace O'Meara who took out the prize for losing the most balls on the day. We lost count after 9.......
Now you can see Trace's ball

Now you can't.....

In 23rd place was Sherryn Fuller's group winning the encouragement award with 61 points and in 14th place was Gill Wilson's group with 72 points. The overall winners had 86 points, so we were close!

We didn't win the raffles or the 100 club, but we did have fun!!

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