Important Information to Members



 Hi Ladies

Circumstances over the past two years have meant the running of golf and committee decisions have needed to be constantly adapted and regular face to face communication has been difficult. At the same time we have been transitioning into management under Mounties which is still developing.

These changed circumstances have led to the Committee reviewing the size, structure and operation of the Committee. We feel it needs to be streamlined. We welcome any input you may have. Any changes suggested will not be implemented without discussion with you and the approval of members at the AGM. The date of the AGM could be as early as July or as late as October depending on a decision from Mounties.

 At this stage, we have many of the present committee not seeking re-election.

Positions that will need to be filled by new people are—

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Computer Co-ordinator, Captain, Vice Captain (which is already vacant) and several committee positions. Some current committee members may be willing to stay on as a committee member for another year in an advisory role.

 As you can see serious consideration needs to be given by all ladies to taking up a position on next years committee. Everybody can make a significant contribution which would be most valued. Please do not exclude yourself if you have previously been on the committee, your experience would be most welcome.

 Let’s keep our club enthusiastic and strong.

We anticipate being able to talk to you after golf next week.

 In the meantime please let me know if you have any questions.

 Colleen Henry, President

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