Hi everyone.                                             💲💲💲💲

Hopefully you have all received emails recently to let you know two important things.

Firstly, if you had any money on your Pink Pearl Rewards card, it will expire on 31st August, as the Pearl Rewards Program has come to an end.

You should spend your balance before this date.

Secondly, the perfect way to use any money you have here is to use it to help pay your golf membership fees, which are now up for renewal. You will note that, as we were told earlier, the fees have not increased and are again at $440 for ladies and $450 for men.

The simplest thing to do is to pay at the club. If you aren't sure how much is on your Pearl card, you can check yourself by clicking on the link in the email which was sent recently, or ask for assistance at the club.

Alternatively, you can use your Pearl card at any EFTPOS terminal if you know your code. You simply select the option of Savings when you do so.

Once you have used all the money on your card, you can dispose of it, as there is no longer an option of adding money to it.


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