Thursday 23rd June 2022 Results

It was a nice sunny day for our stroke round. The course was quite wet on some holes so we played a short course for the day.

Results fro our Monthly Medal: 

Results for Vets Balls:

Please remember next week is a 2bbb pairs event so there will be one card per pair with your name and handicap on the top. At the end of the round just bring the card up to the club without scanning and handover to the committee.

Charity Day

We are going to offer our ladies the option to donate any golf clothing in good condition or golf gear they would like to bring and donate on the day to sell and the money will go to our charity. We would like you to bring any items on the day as we don't have room to store it before hand. If anything isn't sold on the day we then ask you to collect and take home.

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