GOLF. TOMORROW 

Oops!!! That should read NO GOLF TOMORROW!  🙁

However, let’s get out of the house, gather together and have a chat and a bit of fun. 😀👍

We are suggesting that we have a Games Morning!

When : starting at 10.00 tomorrow 

Where : upstairs near the coffee shop

What : bring any board type games that you have (scrabble, mahjong, draughts, cards etc) or any fun game you may have.  

Why : so we can see faces we haven’t seen for a while and just get together. 

Then we might stay for a bite of lunch. 

Good for us and also the club.

Hope you can make it.    Cheers.

                                    NEW BANK DETAILS 

We can no longer deposit money into our old St George account as it has been closed. Our new bank account details are:

Account Name: Mount Pritchard District & Community Club T/as Breakers Ladies Golf

BSB No:  032 172

Account No:  782981

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