Hi All,


Some more good news for a welcomed change; the course held up great today with the altered conditions and with another sunny day, its continually improving.


Just to ensure the improvement on the course, I would like to recommend that the Saturday 30th, Sunday 31st , Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th are played as 9 hole comps, and we will extend to 18 hole competitions after this time, provide conditions remain the same and the course will be able to take double the foot traffic. If conditions stay as it, I don’t think we will have any problems.


For the 9 hole comps we will charge $1.50 for ball comp and $1.50 for prizes, which will be allocated as points as per normal

For the 18 hole comps we will charge a$1.50 ball comp and $2.50 for prizes, which will be allocated as points as per normal


I hope everyone is onboard, and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Have a great weekend




Matthew Farrugia

Venue Manager

Breakers Country Club

Mounties Group

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