Saturday Results
Hi All,
We had 40 starters today and the winners were:
K.Nixon - 19452 - 45Pts $30 W.Uzelac - 33363 - 45Pts $25
L.Cattaway - 7098 - 44Pts $20 D.Coxall - 19164 - 43Pts $15
Ball comp 15 balls to 42 c/b No NTP
K.Nixon,W.Uzelac,L.Cattaway,D. Coxall,A.Barnes,B.Hayward,T. Mitchell,M.Lewis,G.Bell,M. Russell-Smith,J.Perry,A. Connolly,V.Higgin,S.Fuller,D. Newman.
D.Lowe was disqualified as a card signed by C.Carey was returned with no name or handicap.