What a celebration! 50 years of Golf

 Todays 50th celebrations started at 9am with 60 ladies starting golf with a shotgun 9 hole fun event. The golf gods where on our side with the sun shining even though it was a chilly start.

Our luncheon began at 11:30am with many of our former members returning to enjoy our display of memorabilia and to catch up with ladies that haven't seen each other for quite some time. Colleen started  by greeting our special guests and explaining some of the ladies who where in attendance. Jenny did a wonderful job giving a great run down about the history of our club and how we did things back in the day. 
Deanne thanked our members and explained to our guests how much money we have raised for our charities and expressed her thanks for our generosity. Michelle presented our top 7 teams from the day with an anniversary golf towel and the next 8 teams received a ball and pencil.

It was time to cut the cake and we invited our 2 life members Mollie Chapman and Georgie Quill and our ladies patron Judi Eaton.

Finally we where treated to a compilation of video clips that many of our returning members where a part of. Georgi Quill put together many performances for our club during her time as a member so we asked her to introduce the videos and explain a bit of what the ladies did and where they performed raising over $15000 during that time.
Our committee are very thankful to the Mounties Group for there donation to make this day happen. Jenny and Dawn who represent our sub club where in attendance and where very impressed with how the day was run and enjoyed there time with us.
Here are a few photos sent through from the day and I would love to add anymore to the collection if you would like to forward them through to Michelle 0400378855.

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