General Meeting Notice

 The Breakers Ladies Golf Club wish to inform you that a General Meeting of members is called for Thursday 13th October 2022 commencing at 2:30 pm, after golf.

The purpose of this meeting is to pass the new By-Laws which will supersede our former constitution.

A copy of these is posted below on this BLOG for everyone to see and comment on. There will also be a hard copy available outside the golf office in the Club, as well as a copy of the Mounties Sub Club Constitution applicable to the Breakers Ladies Golf Club. 

Once these have been passed by the membership, they will be presented to the Mounties Sports Committee and Board for approval prior to our AGM.

Due to this, the AGM has been transferred to Thursday 8th December, preceding the Presentation Day Luncheon.

Nominations for the 2023 committee will open on Thursday 17th November 2022.





The objectives of the Ladies Golf Club are to:


# Advance and promote the game of golf;

# Organise, conduct and control games of golf in accordance with the Rules of Golf;

# Select players or teams to represent the Golf Club in interclub matches;

# Affiliate with district and state associations


Management of the Golf Club


The management and control of the Golf Club will be invested in a Committee comprising a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Captain and six committee persons.


The Executive Officers of the Golf Club are the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Captain. Should any Golf Club business arise requiring urgent attention, the Executive has the power to take any necessary action with the Secretary submitting a report for confirmation at the next Committee meeting.


All meetings of the Committee will require six members to be personally present to constitute a quorum.


It is agreed that all committee members will, as required and reasonably requested, be responsible for tasks, undertakings and work required for the smooth, successful and efficient running of the Golf Club.




The Committee may establish sub-committees for particular purposes with membership being from the Committee or members of the Golf Club. The President is ex-officio of all sub-committees with voting rights.


We already have a Match Committee as a sub-committee consisting of Captain (Chairperson) and four committee persons appointed by the committee. The Committee President is ex officio.


The Match Committee is to assist the Captain in making decisions relating to such matters as conditions of play, organisation of competitions, changes relating to wet weather, queries from members and possible disqualifications, selection of players to represent the Golf Club and formulating seeded draws in club championships.


Life Membership


Life membership may be conferred upon a member who has rendered outstanding service to the Golf Club.  The member must be nominated and seconded. This nomination must be forwarded to the Committee. If endorsed it is then referred to the Breakers Advisory Committee. If approved the nomination will be forwarded, on the appropriate form, to Mounties for approval. The nomination will then be referred to the next AGM of the Golf Club.





Duties of Officers



The President is to preside over all meetings, whether of the members or the committee. In her absence a duly elected person from the members present, will take the chair. The chairperson of a meeting will have the casting vote, in case of equality of votes, in addition to her deliberate vote.

The President is an ex-officio member of all sub-committees with voting rights and is responsible for the administration aspect of the Golf Club. The President is to act as a liaison between Breakers General Committee and Mounties management at Breakers.



The Secretary is responsible for organising:

·         Record keeping of business transacted at meetings,

·         Dealing with correspondence arising from meetings as well as day to day matters relevant to the position,

·         Calling of all meetings in accordance with the Golf Club rules,

·         The effective means of communicating with members,

·         All other duties pertaining to the position of  Golf Club Secretary.



The Treasurer is responsible for organising:

·         The collection on behalf of the Golf Club, all monies due to the Golf Club,

·         Keeping correct accounts showing the financial affairs of the Golf Club,

·         Submitting to each regular meeting of the Committee a full and complete statement showing the financial position of the Goff Club at the end of the previous month,

·         Submitting a complete and duly audited financial statement of accounts and balance sheet to the AGM

·         The meeting of all financial requirements set out by Mounties

·         All other duties pertaining to the position of Golf Club Treasurer.


Captain and Match Committee

The Captain and Match Committee are responsible for:

·         The promotion of members’ awareness of their rights and obligations under the Rules of Golf

·         The selection of teams to represent the Golf Club in all inter-club competitions,

·         Organising the club championships and the overall competition play of the Golf Club,

·         The setting of special events, conditions of play, and the end of year awards

·         The preparation of the golf program in liaison with the committee and the Men’s Golf Club,

·         Liaison with the Grounds Committee on issues relating to the golf course,

·         Representation at district and other meetings

·         Coordinating all handicap requirements

·         Delegating responsibility of regular liaison with Micro power re updates, problems and user issues for Breakers Ladies Golf Club to Committee Members

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