Coming Events

 We have a full schedule of events for the next three weeks:

Inaugural Periwinkle Cup Tuesday22nd, Thursday 24th and Saturday 26th November

This full week of games is in honour of Charles (Chas) Henderson. Wear your periwinkle outfit to join in. 

The best individual woman's and man's scores over the two days of competition will win and be presented on Saturday 11th February at the Men's Presentation night by Nicky.

Charity Day Thursday 1st December

This is our closing Christmas Charity Fun Day event. Money raised on this day will go towards the new Central Coast District Charity Coast Shelter (nominated by Shelly).

The game is for a team of 4, Countdown Stableford. Get your teams and Christmas dress up together ready for entry next Thursday. We would love to see a full field for the shotgun start, 7:30 am for an 8:00 am hit off.

There will be team prizes for nearest the pin and a squiggly line on the 8th

AGM Thursday 8th December

Notice of the AGM and nomination forms were sent out last week and again given out last Thursday. Nominations for all positions are now open. If you would like to nominate for a position, please get your form in by Thursday 1st December to Jeanice Gibson.

The AGM will commence at 11:30 am promptly. You must show your Breakers Club card and sign in on entering. We would like to see as many members there for the AGM as possible.

Presentation Day and Christmas Lunch Thursday 8th December

These will follow the AGM. The Presentation will commence at 12 noon. 

Christmas Lunch will follow the Presentation. Everyone was sent an invitation on 5th November. If you haven't opened your email yet or replied, please do so as numbers are needed by 1st December for catering purposes. If you have dietary needs or inadvertently deleted your email contact Jeanice.

This year there is a 3 course lunch being served and the cost is $20 for golf members and $35 for non-golfers. Payment can be made to Deanne on Thursday or by direct deposit into the Breakers Ladies Golf account BSB: 032 172 Account: 782981.

We are not reserving tables (there will be tables of 8), so if you would like to sit with your friends in a group, get there early (around 11:15 would be good) to ensure you have your seats. 

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