Committee Update

 Afternoon ladies the committee met today for their monthly meeting. The Ladies Foursomes was on the agenda because we had some feedback in regards to it becoming an 18 hole event. Being an 18 hole event was not received well and many were in favour of keeping the event the same as it always has been, which was 27 holes and an 18 hole daily event. This was discussed in depth and how we could cater for everyone's needs. 

Your committee came to an agreement that we would keep the event as 27 holes with the daily event 18 holes. Due to sponsorship again this year we will be using this money for the end of year prize money for the foursomes and the $5 entry fee which will be paid by all entries 27 holes and 18 holes to register will be used as the prize money on the day for the 18 hole day event.

Please remember your committee is always happy to discuss any matters that arise and not just one person can have all the answers for you on the spot. Please feel free to email or ask for a subject to be discussed at our next meeting so the query can be discussed as a group and responded to.

Entries for the Foursomes Championships being held on May 4th 2023 is open this week. Entry fee for 27 holes and 18 holes is $5 per person. Entries close 27th April.

Please contact Aiki if you won't be at golf to pay and register.

For anyone who is new or not sure how this event works, it is a 2 person event using 1 ball between you. You hit every 2nd shot! The draw will be done by the committee a few days before the day of the event.


Breakers Ladies Golf Committee.

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