Upcoming Events

 Evening everyone,

This is just to remind you of what Susan announced at the presentation last Thursday.

Our Charity Day on 20th July will be a team of 4 game, as usual, with a shotgun start. (We haven't decided what game it will be yet.)

The difference will be that we are asking our members to invite a visitor to play on the day. Hopefully, we will have lots of visitors and each team could have two Breakers ladies and two visitors. We would love to fill all the holes with two teams on each tee.

Susan will be collecting teams from this Thursday, so get your team together. If you do have a visitor attending, please also get their Golf Link number so we can put them on the draw.

Cash will be needed on the day, as we are having raffles galore and cheat sheets (of course). There will also be a silent auction for a lap quilt donated by Georgie Quill.

If anyone has a local business they could approach to donate a raffle prize, please let Susan know. We have a letter organised for this and copies will be available on Thursday.

We also have an invitation to visit Toukley on 1st August as a club. Aiki will be taking names of those wishing to go from this Thursday. Lets get lots of Breakers ladies there to enjoy a friendly game of golf.

Just a little housekeeping now - 

Any lady wishing to play 9 holes on a Thursday must ring the Pro Shop to book in. This avoids any issues in the draw.

Lastly, the points on your club card will expire at the end of June. You can use them to renew your membership, buy food and drink in the club, or balls and equipment in the Pro Shop. Any winnings from June will be put onto your card after the 1st of July, so you won't see them yet.

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