Reminder for Opening Day

 Morning everyone,

Just a quick reminder that our Opening Day is this Thursday, 8th February. There are still a few spots available, so even if you're not in a team and want to play, put your name down and see those empty spots fill up.

Please wear your new Breakers shirt. 

The normal raffle and 100 club will be running, so bring your cash with you.

If it does rain and we don't play, we will still meet for coffee at 11:00 am to hold the Summer Competition Presentation. This will of course include the bubbles and OJ that would have been served after play. You can also pay for the Continuous Comp and go over the Fairway news. 

Also it’s time to get people thinking about pennants. This year there are 10 players in a team, and only one team per club, so we need as many players as possible to sign up for our Breakers team.

Come along and play on Thursday and enjoy the start to the new golfing year!!

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