March Birthdays

 If your child is born in March, then you might be raising a boss baby! Sounds interesting? As per astrological predictions March born babies are more likely to become CEOs.

Albert Einstein, Vincent van Gogh, Harriet Tubman, Michelangelo are some of the great personalities who were born in March.

Our great ladies who were born in March are:

4 Chris Baddack; 4 Karen Gallaher; 4 Bev Milson; 9 Bianca Joo; 

12 Georgie Quill; 18 Trish Davidson

Just a quick reminder (for those of us who aren't geniuses) that the Continuous Competition fees are now past due. 

It is $25 just for the Continuous Comp, an extra $5 for the GNSW Medal, and $10 for the Stableford Shootout.

If you pay now, your results will be included from the date that you paid. You can pay in cash to Linda or Jane, or online to the Breakers Ladies Golf Club account.

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