Charity Day Update


Our ladies and local businesses have been so generous!! We have been inundated with prizes for the raffle.

So                       BRING YOUR CASH WITH YOU

Cheat sheets will be on sale before your game starts - $5 each, multiple purchases are very welcome. See Julie for these.

 Arrive in time to get them - 7:30 for an 8:00 hit off.

Of course to save time at the end, don't forget to order a sandwich in the Pro Shop.

Raffle tickets will be on sale after the game - the usual 3 tickets for $5 or 7 tickets for $10. See Linda and Jane for these.

Write your name on the half going in the box for the prize you want to desperately win, keep the other half with you to claim your prize.

Then proceed to the Bubbles and OJ.

Let the fundraising fun begin!

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