Ladies Stableford Comp 11th July and Charity Day

 20 ladies played in wonderful sunshine but had to work hard with the wet conditions .

Congratulations to our first time competition winner Fiona Dunlop. 

Our Charity Day is fast approaching. It's only 2 weeks away on 25th July!!

Please keep working on getting raffle prizes together. You can drop off prizes to the committee next week or if you are doing perishables the following Thursday. 

We are having our pre-loved (winning) golf clothes sale again. So any items that have proven successful for you, which you want to pass to others, will be gratefully accepted.

Also teams can be entered by contacting Aiki, priority will be given to over 80's for the first tee position. Don't forget to ask a friend from another club to play.

Should the weather not be kind to us or you can't play for some reason, the day will still go ahead. Come along for lunch from 12:00, followed by fun, frivolity and raffles from 1:30. Consider whether the money you would have paid for cheat sheets or golf might also make a contribution towards our fundraising on the day.

We look forward to seeing as many ladies as possible on this important day in our golfing calendar.

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