Who knows when we can get back to playing, with all the recent rain and the continuing forecast of more, but when we do, these two rules will undoubtedly come into play. So here are a few reminders of what to do. TEMPORARY WATER (formerly known as CASUAL WATER) Firstly, the definition is important and tells you a lot. Any temporary accumulation of water on the surface of the ground (such as puddles from rain or irrigation or an overflow from a body of water) that is not in a penalty area , and can be seen before or after you take a stance (without pressing down excessively with your feet ). Rule 16 covers relief from Abnormal Course Conditions which includes Temporary Water, GUR and immovable obstructions. Your reference point when dropping is the nearest point that gives you full relief . You must drop within 1 club length of the reference point and the ball must remain in the relief area. TEMPORARY WATER ON THE GREEN Take free r...