CCWGA District Tournament

Well,  Breakers Wamberal were once again well represented in the winners circle with some very impressive results.  It was a two day event with a teams event on the Wednesday.

Monday at Everglades ........  Mel Sheekey r/up in Div 2 net

Tuesday at Wyong .........       Anne Glance r/up in Div 2 gross
                                               Jenny Chapman  r/up in Div 2 net

36 hole event (Mon and Tues)

Anne Glance was Champion of Div 2 Gross  ........    197 c/b
Jenny Chapman was R/up Div 2 Gross     ...........       197

Congratulations girls a fantastic result.

Wednesday  - Teams Event 

Morisset   Colleen Henry, Deanne Curby, Michelle Lee and Jeanice Gibson came 3rd   .....  82 pts

Shelly Beach  Aiki Harrigan, Kerrie McInerney, Lynne Cattaway, Veneice Higgin won a ball on 84pt

Raffle  .... keeping up the local tradition .....  Judi Eaton won 18 holes of golf at Magenta.  WOW.  

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