Easter Countdown Stableford/3 clubs + a putter

A beautiful autumn day laid the perfect conditions for this fun team event. We all found it hard getting out of the rough, getting on the green and then, those putts! Many moans were heard through the course about 'why did I choose THESE clubs'! Needless to say it was not a high scoring day but a ton of fun.  Winning teams were:

First.  Molly Russell-Smith, Aiki Harrigan, Viv Ball and Peggy Searle with 71 points
2nd.    Jenny Chapman, Di Ind, Michelle Collyer and Nicki Draper with 63 on a count back
3rd.    Cheryl Baker, Moya Allen, Gai Catanzariti and Anne Glance also with 63 points
4th.    Helen Ingle's team 60;  5th.  Noela Hilbert's team 58; 6th. Chris Whalan's team 56;
7th     Annette McInnes' team with 55.

Nearest the Pins
2/11th.  Kerrie McInerney, Kathleen Benavenga, Veneice Higgin and Suzanne Connor
4/13th.  Aiki Harrigan, Molly Russell-Smith, Viv Ball and Peggy Searle
6/15th.  Viv Ball, Peggy Searle, Aiki Harrigan and Molly Russell-Smith

Nearest the 'very hard to see' Snake
Div. 1.   Cheryl Baker. Div. 2.   Annette McInnes.  Div. 3.   Noela Hilbert

Next Week is the 27 Hole Foursomes Championships  If you are not entered in the 27 hole event you can book in for the 18 hole competition which will take the field once the 27 holers have hit off.

Does Breakers really mean BREAKERS!  Sadly Kerry Moore has now joined the 'Breakers Club' with a badly broken ankle. Our very best wishes to you Kerry we hope it is not too long before we can enjoy your fun company again. We are missing Lynne Cattaway, Jan Gee and, of course, Margaret Harrowell.

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