Pennants Presentation 11 July 2016

Breakers Country Club saw a sea of coloured team golf shirts as all the District Clubs came together to celebrate the 2016 Pennants series. All clubs in the district were represented with at least one team, with most having entered two teams into the inaugural year of the new format.

President of the Central Coast Women's Golf Assn, Anne Glance, welcomed everyone on behalf of the district. After morning tea District Captain, Jenny Chapman, spoke about the new format and provided us with many statistics which put to bed most negatives voiced prior to the new format being introduced. Amazing Jenny and obviously the result of much work done over the course of the competition.

Our congratulations must go to Shelly Beach who, narrowly, won both the Wattle and Banksia divisions! Gosford and Kooindah coming a very close second. Shelly Beach also won the Margin Shield which goes to the Club who wins both divisions.

It proved to be a great Pennants season and our gratitude must go to our CCWGA committee for all their hard work, and in particular to Anne and Jenny! Well done!

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