22nd June Stableford

29 ladies showed up, played hard, got dirty and gave it their best. 😁 This game can be mentally draining when you have to figure out how wide you need to go to find something reasonably dry to play from.............or you just say "oh I can't be bothered" and just give it a whack and hope for the best, mean while covering yourself in muddy water.😂😂😂😂

Happy as a pig in mud playing golf 😊


 Aiki Harrigan (16) 35 points
Mel Sheekey (17) 34 points
Nancy C-Berryman (33) 31 points c/b

Nearest The Pin:

Division 1: G. Catanzariti 2/11
                   M Collyer 4/13

Division 2: S Connor 2/11

Raffle Winners:

R Arnott
C Henry


Our Charity Day is fast approaching on the 20th July.

Donations are needed in the form of Gift Baskets such as Wine/chocolates, gardening, candles/hand creams, golf packs or anything else you can come up with.

Also other ideas for those clever ladies who can make pickles/chutney/jams or any spreads.

Then for the bakers cakes and slices are always a crowd favourite.

Have a good week, signing off till next Thursday ✌⛳😎


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