Charity Day Information

 Please allow plenty of time to get there in the morning (before 8 am) as there are lots of players and the Pro Shop is undergoing renovations. 


Dice will be handed out with the scorecards for each hole. Please make sure you leave them at the tee for the next group.

Wear your Club Shirt as we are taking a group photo to put on the opening of the BLOG. During your round please take lots of photos which can be forwarded to the committee to add to our history.

Sandwich orders are going to be taken in the Pro Shop as everyone will come in at once and this will save time for more fun after your game.

Cheat sheets are going to be available for $5 each - buy lots - and cheat well!! Jane and Aiki are giving cheating lessons! 

After your game we will be selling raffle tickets 3 for $5 or 7 for $10 plus there is going to be a Team Trivia quiz at $5 per team. See Jeanice and Wendy. Answers may be available for $10 each!!!

Cheat and have fun. Let's raise lots of money for Coast Shelter.

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